Gather 25

Tonight is the night! Join us as we begin 25 hours of prayer for the Global church! Hear stories of what the Lord is doing all over the world. 

WHEN: Beginning at 9pm Friday Feb 28th and streaming for 25 hours until 10pm Saturday March 1st. The church will be open and broadcast on with someone there to facilitate throughout. You are welcome at any time. 
specific times to note:
launch: Friday at 8:30! First session begins at 9:00.
closing: Join us on Saturday for supper at 5:30, followed by a session by the persecuted church, and a closing session from South America.

WHERE: At St John's Church - planning for set up in the basement for the livestream. Prayer rooms will also be set up, as well as an area for kids if you would like to bring them along. 

WHO: EVERYONE is invited! Men, Women, youth! Come on out! 

WHAT TO EXPECT: Nations across the world are hosting the livestream throughout the 25 hours. Expect to hear from speakers from each nation (with seamless translation) as well as hear testimonies about what God is doing in that part of the world, expect worship and of course to be led in prayer and encouraged to pray on your own for our world. Expect to leave filled, encouraged and expectant for what the Lord is doing!! 

Gather25 | 25-hour Global Christian Conference in 2025

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